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ANGLEBALL revived the best & oldest team sport, Anejodi, with modern equipment, apparel and methodology! It's the most fun & fit sport out there; we call it optimum sports fitness!
Never heard of Anejodi? We don't blame you. Our Anejodi athletic code had been abandoned for hundreds of years before being revived during World War 2 by a Hall of Fame pioneer of American football and basketball, Rip Engle, who conditioned his athletes and American World War 2 servicemen & women, with the sport.
The name ANGLEBALL was chosen because the target can be struck from any angle, because ANGLEBALL has the same starting letters as Anejodi, and because the name honors the contributions of Rip Engle (Angle) who revived Anejodi.
No other sport tests as many versatile athletic skills, for every position, as fully & as safely as we do: Strength, Speed, Precision & Teamwork.
ANGLEBALL changed the game when it comes to inclusion. Our rules and equipment standards were created to de-emphasize unearned genetic advantages like height, focusing instead on athletic fitness skills that must be earned in a gym or through practice. It's all about who puts in the work. Speaking of inclusion, ANGLEBALL is designed to be balanced for coed at every level - infact, we offer the world's first comprehesive and balanced full-contact, coed athletic code.
ANGLEBALL is versatile. Our equipment can be played on virtually any surface - grass, wood, sand, even in water - and we have 3 different athletic codes for any group, age or ability: non-contact, touch or contact (and we encourage group leaders to add their own twists as they see fit!).
ANGLEBALL is safe. Even when played with contact rules. Our rules require that all contact must lead with the hands, resulting in strength & skill based takedowns that don't rattle the brain.
ANGLEBALL is also a sports competition methodology. Our competition structure is set up so that anyone, from anywhere can prove they are the best ANGLEBALL athlete - individually & as part of a team!
Today, ANGLEBALL equipment is played by nearly 1,000,000 athletes worldwide, in 11 countries, including for fitness by NFL, LFL & Olympic athletes!
Anyone can start a local ANGLEBALL club, tournament or even an entire league! We don't take a cut from your hard work. Let us know how we can help!